I was born in Washington. I grew up on 30 acres in Amboy. My dad and a few of his childhood friends got me into target shooting when I was around 7 years old. In 2006 I started at Google as a Data Technician. My first paycheck I went out and bought a Springfield XD 45, Bushmaster AR-15, and a Mossberg 590 shotgun. A few weeks later I went and shot my first competition match in Multi Gun. I was hooked after that match. I got my Concealed pistol license a month later.
In 2019 I started helping with the Range Safety Officer program at my shooting club. I started coaching for our Youth Series into to Rifle Tier 1-3 classes, and Scouts of America in April of 2020. In 2021 I became a full time Range Safety officer, FFL clerk, and Junior coach, at my Shooting Club. I compete in a few different shooting disciplines including Multi Gun, Speed Steel, Practical Rifle, and IDPA.